Customer Reviews

Below are some of the many positive reviews we’ve received over the years from our valued customers and creative community.

The possibilities with two octaves are amazing. The sound is so beautiful and inspiring. And the ability to control the sound with the foot is brilliant. I’m so happy and grateful for this instrument!

Jakob Eri Myhre, Norway (M3 Low C Two Octave  + Bowring Foot Pedal)

Bravo to the highest order!!!! What a beautiful instrument! Absolutely harmonious!!! What a wonderful sound, I was playing next to a window and the birds at my birdfeeder in the backyard came close to see where the sound was coming from, and my dogs slipped into a slumber and slept in heavenly peace. It pairs beautifully with my didge. The quick guide was very handy in getting started! I have played and tried many instruments throughout my life and only a few stick with me and I can tell right away that I will cherish this instrument for the rest of my life. My goodness right on, bless you for creating something so special.

Galen Wilbur, USA (M3 C  + Bowring Foot Pedal)

I’m a sound healer and I teach sound healing with one of the main academies. I’ve had my M1 C Shruti for 6 years. I use it in sound baths and for one to one clients. I tone or chant mantras to one of the notes I’m playing. It is such a wonderful instrument with the voice, bringing out the harmonics in both. Recipients comment about how etherial and magical they sound together. I thought I would add this review to help sound healers to make a choice. Just be aware that the M1,2,& 3 categories seem to refer to the different woods and the reeds which are used, not to the size, colour or key, though this does vary too. Next on my wish list is an M3 Low G 🙂

6 year review from Roise O’Caollaidhe (

Thank you so much for the amazing Shruti Box! I love it! Still have to practice a bit when playing it with the foot pedal, playing guitar and singing at the same time but it’s great fun.Thank you again for the great work you guys put into making these instruments and the efforts of sending it during Christmas/Brexit/COVID-chaos!

Andreas Wiedenmann, Germany (M3 C  + Bowring Foot Pedal)

Two years ago now I bought a shruti box from you, having had fun playing around with a friend’s. I just wanted to say thank you – I’ve had such good fun making music with it and exploring the new creative avenues it opens up. I’m about to release my first debut EP and just wanted to take the opportunity to share it with you ahead of release – you’ll hear the Shruti popping up here and there throughout; I really enjoyed using it in combination with cello and also various electronic instruments to create interesting textures. Listening Link. Thanks and all the best.

Pete Myson, UK (M1 C)

I would just like to thank you for such a beautiful instrument. Both the craftsmanship and the sound are excellent; It truly is a pleasure to play and also to experience. I must say I was expecting it to be good but am taken aback by how inspired I am while using this with my instruments, and also how energised I feel after each session. It’s dynamic and sensitive and I absolutely love it – It is the perfect piece that completes the sound I am working on. This will become an important part of my working equipment for years to come!

Will Hughes, UK (M3 Low C two octave + Bowring Foot Pedal)

Just received my Shruti. DHL were very good and so was your packaging. After a quick try out with my sax, I find it beautifully tuned with a rather surprising subtlety, something I couldn’t hear on the internet. Wonderfully finished woodwork with striking red bellows! I look forward to getting familiar with the box, but already sat here with a B playing I’m a fully signed up Shruti owner!

Alan Wilson, UK (M3 Low G + Bowring Foot Pedal)

A belated thank you for the Shruti box. I just love it. It’s had a little break over the Christmas but before the holidays I just couldn’t stop playing it. I teach yoga and give sound baths. I’ve been using with the speaking voice and along with other instruments. Thank you again and I wish all the best for 2020!

Margaret Comerford, UK (M3 C + Bowring Foot Pedal)

Received it today, in perfect condition. The sound is just like I imagined – very happy with all the new possibilities that are forming in my head already. Thanks again for a smooth transaction!

Eelco de Vries, USA (M1 C)

Your shruti boxes are unparalleled in quality, craftsmanship and resonance. They are more like lifelong best friends than simple musical instrument purchases.

Hala Toubbeh, Netherlands (M3 Two Octave Low C)

Firstly – fantastic packaging. Just the right amount and the instrument arrived in perfect condition, with hardly even any scuffing on the cardboard box! Thank you for including the helpful leaflet. I found the instrument itself and the pedal to be fairly self-explanatory. I find it extremely easy to play by hand, and was almost immediately able to get an even, constant drone. I found that much harder with the pedal, although after about half an hour, it became much smoother. There seems to be a knack. Fortunately, the instrument itself seems to be teaching me how. For me, at least, it seems to depend on long, steady pushes of the foot, with a swift ‘recovery’ upstroke. I love the look and feel of the thing.

Ben Hall, UK (M3 Low G + Bowring Foot Pedal)

My Shruti Box arrived in Wuppertal today! Thanks for the beautiful instrument. It sounds wonderful with my Fujaras and the Alphorn… The sound inspired my musik very well…

Klaus Renken, Germany (M3 Low G + Bowring Foot Pedal)

The shrutibox has arrived well. I am very happy with the workmanship, the function and above all the great sound. The foot pedal works great. A real asset to making music. Thank you so much!

Stefan Bergman, Germany (M3 C + Bowring Foot Pedal)

I got my Shruti box yesterday… Holy crap does this thing sound HUGE.  I pulled out my tuner and ran through…I couldn’t believe how accurate it was tuned.  I grabbed a couple Tibetan bowls, and did some singing and WOW! I’m very excited.

Ron Fearing, USA (M3 Low G tuned to A432 + Bowring Foot Pedal)

I just want to let you know that I received my M1 shruti box last week and I am overwhelmed by its beauty and sound. I can see such care and attention to detail that went into making this very special instrument. The reeds are very balanced in volume and presence and the intonation is spot on. Thank you so much for making these wonderful instruments and sending them out into the world to raise people’s spirits. Mine is already a favorite among my instruments and I am pushing further into Mathieu’s Harmonic Experience book using it.

Andrew Raynor, USA (M1 Low G + Bowring Foot Pedal)

The Shruti box arrived before new year, all beautiful in shape and sound! That’s a great instrument! So I will enjoy more before sending ones a song with it.

Maïck Cochard, Switzerland (M1 C)

Thank you so very much for this beautiful instrument. I can hardly pull myself away from playing it with my flutes and percussion instruments. I’m inspired to create, again.

Linda Laine, USA (M1 C + Bowring Foot Pedal)

Thank you so much for the shruti box! I was able to use it for this Advent Vesper Service I led at my church in Summit NJ USA. The box was able to put everyone in a very peaceful attuned space- it was fantastic!

Mark Miller, USA (M1 C)

I love my new shruti! Thank you so much. I can’t wait to write and sing a million songs with it.

Kai Altair, singer-artist, USA (M2 C)

Received the shruti box on Sat in perfect working order. It sounds amazing. Thank you so much.

Max Carmichael, USA (M3 Low G & Bowring Foot Pedal)

It sounds, plays, smells, and looks beautifully. I can’t thank you enough, I am enjoying this instrument very much.The sounds produced feel very special to me.

Peter Alexanian, USA (M3 Low G & Bowring Foot Pedal)

Just received the instrument yesterday. It has arrived save and sane, and it sounds great! Thanks a lot to you again.

Philip Lipsky, multi-instrumentalist, Germany (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

I gotta say I absolutely dig this Shruti box. We played it at a gig the very day I go it. I didn’t realize how rhythmic the thing could be. It was just awesome!

James Olin Oden, USA (M1 C)

I received in good order and everything is working perfectly! I’m delighted with the product and your service. Would be happy to recommend to any and everyone. Many people are going to hear this instrument here in Las Vegas! Makes for a fine accompaniment with my handpan and percussion ensemble. Will use for some sound bath & kirtans as well.

Matthew Conners, USA (M3 C & Bowring Foot Pedal)

I’d just like you to know how much I am enjoying my M2 C Shruti, the tone is so rich and it really compliments a cappella singing as well as songs with guitar accompaniment. I’m finding lots of songs to sing with it at our folk club, and it always attracts interest. Our version of Bobbie Gentry’s Ode to Billie Joe, with shruti and slide guitar was an unexpected success.

Jane Griffith-Ward, UK (M2 C)

This morning was my first chance to open my shruti box. I just wanted to tell you that it sounds and looks FABULOUS! This instrument is going to be fantastic at creating the electrical and percussive ambient soundscapes that I will be recording this summer. Thank you so much!

Stephen Berry, USA (M3 C & Bowring Foot Pedal)

The Shruti box is magnificent!  Thanks so much for producing them.  So far, all I have done is to sing with it.

Andy Alexis, USA (M1 C)

I received the instrument a couple of days ago, and have been playing so much I forgot to write you back! Thank you for this wonderful instrument, I will cherish it for life!

Auden Gunerlussen, Norway (M3 Low G & Bowring Foot Pedal)

My Shruti box arrived today. It is beautiful and I am thrilled. I love the wood, the feel of it, even the nice carrying case that it came in. Thank you so much for making this happen. I am truly delighted.

Genevieve Hogan, USA (M1 C)

The shruti box arrived safe and sound last week or so in a beautiful package!  We love it, it is getting much use and much love, even from our little 5 year old 🙂  thank you for making, creating a beautiful instrument, it is exactly what we wanted and hoped for!

Micki Kibler, USA (M2 C)

I love it, what a beautiful sounding instrument, it already feels like a part of me and suits my voice very well, and what a wonderful meditation aid. Thank you.

Liz Harper, Harp player, UK (M1C)

I just received the M2 yesterday! So far I’m very pleased with it: Nice design, and of course a hauntingly beautiful sound. I will probably use it with my vocal ensemble Hortus Deliciarum ; we play medieval polyphony, gregorian chant and the like. I think the shruti box will blend in perfectly with our music.

Jean-Paul Drudi, Singer, France (M2C)

I love the sound action and feel of my new M3. You make such fabulous instruments with love skill and care. Thank you!!!

David Monks, UK (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

I have now received your beautiful shruti box and played fully, amazing sound. Our baby is already loving the sound of the gorgeous instrument. Fantastic, thank you very much for your prompt support.

Mami Sayo, Yoga Practitioner, Japan (M1 C)

I just wanted to let you know that I have really been enjoying the Low G Shruti and the Bowring pedal. They are an awesome pair. I have waited for a real-instrument drone for many years. Sounds great with my guitar or my hardpan.

Nathaniel Brown, Musician, USA (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

Shruti arrived today. Long session this evening. Far exceeds my dreams. We are happy : )

Dann Pell, Singer-Guitarist, USA (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

Thank you for the most beautiful shruti box, which arrived here in perfect shape. It is exactly what I expected, great. I am looking forward to using it to accompany chanting in Yoga, for deep relaxation and trance.

Ada Stefanie Namani, Germany (M1 Low G)

I could write you a thousand word essay about how much I am I love with this shruti box, but I don’t feel that I could properly convey how absolutely smitten I am!!! I played my usual yoga accompanying gig this last weekend that focuses primarily on a spicy D minor handpan. I set up the shruti box and held off I using it until it was about :45 min into class. When the shruti box came in, the soundscape vastly widened with great warmth and effect.  It was amaaazing!!!!  Several people asked about the sound and the ins and outs of harmonics vs 5ths after the class.  They as amazed by the sounds as much I think I will continue to be by your attention to detail craftsmanship.

David Torrance, Handpan player, USA (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

I just want to let you know that I received the shruti box. The sound is great! Your pedal system works really well! Thanks for your work

Pierre Tasell, France (M3 C & Bowring pedal)

I just wanted to let you know that I love the Shruti box. I am enjoying it very much. It sounds beautiful and looks beautiful. It really compliments certain Irish songs. I think it was the instrument I was always looking for. Gura Maith Agat  (Thank you)

Mairin Mannion, Ireland (M2 C)

My Shruti Box arrived on Tuesday and I really fell in love with it! It has very nice and warm sound and it’s a wonderful instrument!

Katja Ettl, Musician, Germany (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

Has a really great sound. V happy bunny!

Lucy Winch, Yoga practitioner, England (M5 C)

I am enjoying the shrutibox. It’s really great and getting lots of interest here in the States in particular! We are currently on a three week tour.

Julie Fowlis, Folk singer and multi-instrumentalist, Scotland (M1 A#)

I want to tell you how pleased I am with your M1 Shruti Box.  It sounds lovely, and the craftsmanship is of the highest quality. There is so much ‘heart’ in the instrument one can feel your great care and attention in every detail. Thank you for making such a wonderful instrument.

James Schaller, Therapeutic music composer, Czech Republic (M1 C + Bowring pedal)

I wanted to let you know that the Shruti box arrived alright and that I fell in love with it. It has a beautiful, full sound and I feel it has a soul as well. I have tried different shruti boxes that just had a plain, no soul sound.  My friend has an old one that is gorgeous and I really wanted to get a shruti box with similar qualities. One that opens your voice and heart. Thanks to you, I did.

Martina Jelicic, Czech Republic (M2 Low G)

Shruti Box well received, already played, already happy! Thank you!

Diphoo, Musician, France (M3 & Bowring pedal)

Thanks for the shruti box !!! Sounds spectacular, its vibration makes it very easy to connect to a meditative state…

Maite Garbizu, Yoga Teacher, Spain (M1 A#)

…just wanted to let you know that the Shruti arrived today…  Its Awesome Man! Really Nice Build and Great Sound… Thanks so Much…

Jason Kerr, Panama (M2 C)

Just to thank you for the shruti box, with which I am thoroughly thrilled: the sound is supernal, the tuning impeccable, the pedal perfect.

Tony Lamb, UK (M1 A# & Bowring pedal)

The Shrutibox has arrived, every thing is fine. What a beautiful instrument, great hand-craft and lovely tone. I’m looking forward to play and improvise. Many thanks for the great service.

Claudia Meier, Germany (M1 A#)

My shruti box has arrived safely in New Hampshire! The sound is lovely and it is just as presented on the website. Thank you for the care in making and sending it!

Cathy Okhuysen, Musician, USA (M1 C)

Shruti arrived safe on Friday, and is wonderful, played at Cornwall folk festival and went down very well, much admired, you may get another order from these parts!

Liz Crow, UK (M1 C)

I have just received your wonderful instrument, which opens up a new landscape in music and also helpful for practicing scales.

Pere Vergés Coma, Musician with Flexta Negra, Ibiza (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)

I love my new Shruti. It is fantastic and amazingly designed. I have people asking me about them, so I will put them in touch with you when that happens, so we can get more of these beautiful beings into the world.

Clare Hedin, Healing, Music and Consciousness, USA (M1 C)

We are back in nairobi.. and loving this beautiful instrument… playing it with our mantras and chanting

Vinaya Pinto, Yoga practitioner, Nairobi (M1 A#)

It’s just beautiful to see and touch, and it sounds really good! This will expand my life of music.

Kiyoka Hachiya, Singer-songwriter, Japan (M1 A#)

I just write to you to let you know that I am really happy with the instrument that I buy from you. Thank you very much!

Ray Morten Erlandsen, Yoga teacher, Sweden (M1 Low G)

Loving it! I’m finding it’s very useful for singing over and experimenting with melody and developing vocal control.

Andy Gelowitz, Guitarist, Canada (M3 Low G & Bowring Pedal)

Hey Stefan, it’s simply masterful! Thanks a million, worth every penny.

Max Turner, Musician, Germany/India (M1 Low G special large edition & Bowring Pedal)

I bought a box from you some years ago. It has become an essential tool for my creative work. I use the box in my work with very small children and it is always a big hit. I also use it for composing and accompaniment in all sorts of performative contexts. It really is a central part of my musical work. And standing the test of time too!!

Fiona Kelleher, Singer, Early years music artist, Ireland (M1 C)

Received, beautiful! Far superior sound to other shruti boxes I have heard. It is evident that you put much thought and care into your product – you have considered every last detail, down to the protective lining of the carrying case! It is a perfect accompaniment to chanting during the yoga classes I lead. It has had the desired effect of inspiring more students to participate, with a subtle hypnotic effect that adds to the spiritual atmosphere.

Phoenix Desmond, Yoga teacher, USA (M1 Low G)

I got the shruti box a few days ago. It’s beautiful and sounds even more beautiful. This has been a long search – I’ve actually bought two and returned them and tried many dealers including ones in India. So I’m really happy to have found this.

Sharanya Naik, USA (M1 Low G)

The construction and sound of the shruti box is fantastic, thank you.

Jose Luis Diaz Herrero, Spain (M1 C)

They look beautiful and the sound is fabulous – rich, lush and smooth. Absolutely love it!

Ralph Skuban, Yoga practitioner, Germany (M1 Low G & M1 C)

I’m over the moon about it!!  it sounds and operates beautifully and is integrating into my one man show most wonderfully.

Martin Gallop, Singer-songwriter, Germany (M1 Low G special large edition & Bowring pedal)

I received the M1 the other day and it is magnificent! What a rich and beautiful tone! I feel like my voice slots perfectly in with the tuning. I’m really looking forward to integrating it into my meditations and share this wonderful instrument with others.

Jesse Flower-Ambroch, Sound engineer, USA (M1 C, re-tuned to A432)

Got the box. Perfect. Masterpiece.

Sam Schlamminger, Musician – Percussionist, Germany (M1 Low G special large edition & Bowring pedal)