M1, M2 & M3 Shruti Box

Based in Wales, UK, we are a specialist Shruti Box developer and supplier. Our fine quality instruments are hand crafted from solid tonewoods for a resonant and harmonious sound. Simple to use and easy to play, they provide a rich sustained drone accompaniment for singing, sounding and music-making.

We ship direct to customers worldwide and offer excellent after-sales support. Check out our reviews.

On this website you’ll find videos and in-depth information on our range of Shruti Boxes and the Bowring Foot Pedal which you can pre-order securely via our online shop. See new developments and what people are doing with our instruments on facebook.

The Bowring Foot Pedal

Offers the perfect solution for hands-free playing of our Shruti Boxes.

“I just wanted to let you know that I have really been enjoying the Low G Shruti and the Bowring pedal. They are an awesome pair. I have waited for a real-instrument drone for many years. Sounds great with my guitar or my handpan.”

Nathaniel Brown, Musician, USA (M3 Low G + Bowring pedal).

“It’s beautiful. I’ve already written a new song for my son on it.”

Karine Polwart, Singer-Songwriter, Scotland (M1 C)

M1 Shruti Box

An unrivalled instrument within its class, the M1 has become a familiar sight in musical venues, homes and Yoga studios around the world.

M2 Shruti Box

The M2 was developed as an option to the darker coloured M1 Shruti Box. With less immersive resonance than the M1, it is popular with singers who enjoy hearing their voice distinct from the drone.

M3 Shruti Box

Our premier Shruti Box, the M3 was developed to work seamlessly with the Bowring foot pedal, with the gigging musician in mind.